Month: May 2015

Our lives (and this blog) has been taken over. Completely.

Its true. Ever since we brought home Oscar, our lives have been completely taken over. SS and I are both movie buffs but we have not watched a movie ever since we have Oscar! No kidding. Both of us were mentally prepared to take on this overwhelming task of bringing home a puppy but I don’t think we were physically prepared. Taking care of a puppy means constant watching. Did he pee? Did he poo? Did be bite? Did he chew? Its endless. It is QUITE a bit of work but while we are helping him grow, in a way, he is helping us too. Here is how. Oscar being handful has made us more active. SS takes him for a run every morning of weekdays. Without Oscar, getting SS out of bed would have been quite a task. I leave work exactly at 5pm. Without Oscar, my work hours would easily extend beyond 5pm. I also avoid any other teleconference meetings from home. I take him for a run/walk after work. Without Oscar, I would have preferred to …