All posts tagged: garden

Mint in the backyard

It was like finding gold

Well, guess what… in some corner of our backyard – amidst all the grassy wilderness, I spotted some mint! I was so excited – it was like finding gold! (Or, may be not. I am sure I would be far more excited to find ‘real’ gold than mint). The funny thing is, I am not even fan of mint. I was basically just thrilled to see something “useful” growing – sort of on it’s own. I didn’t plant them, so it must be the previous owners. Cleared the weed around the plants & watered them well. I suddenly feel like I have a green thumb 😉 Now, I am thinking, what do I do with these mints… What should I make? All I can think of is a mint chutney, my mum used to make. Care to share some recipes/ideas anyone?

My Petunias need your prayers

After much research … I have landed on planting Petunias in front of the house. Why I chose Petunia? They were on sale at Bunnings – This is my first go at gardening. So of course, I was not going to spend fortune on getting a “designer plant” . Yes, there are such thing as “designer plants”. I wanted something that gave a lot of flowers for the same gardening effort – I think seeing a lot of bloom, will make me appreciate gardening a lot more. The flowering season is said to be Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring – This means bloom all year round. Good for me! They are pretty and comes in all of my favourite colours – deep red, white, blue, lavender.

Words of caution

Both SS and me want a nice & pretty outdoors – of course. But neither of us have a green thumb. And the greenary around our house is turning wild.  So we went to Bunnings to get some help. The lady there (very politely) told us to not even bother about buying pretty plants straight away.  We are to kill the weeds (and mow the lawn) first. So we bought this selective weed killer thing called “Weed ‘n Feed”, to “just spray all over”, as advised. Since I had the day off today I thought I would test out my “green thumbness” do the “selective weed killing”. Its just spraying that dust – how hard can it be.  But now I realise that packaging has so many warnings & words of caution that I am quite nervous to spray it. Here is ONE sect of the instructions: DO NOT apply to lawns less than 6 months old  – I guesssss the lawn is pretty old… so we should be fine with this one. DO NOT apply during hot or windy weather …

Taming the wild

Is there a “Gardening for Dummies” book around? I need it. We’ve got a backyard. It isn’t a massive one. But man, the grass can grow quickly in there. Its been 3 weeks since the lawn was mowed (by my brother in law – do not judge… neither me or nor SS – my husband, have done this before) and its wilderness all over again. The previous owners also seem to have planted some “things” around the house, but I am so dumb I cannot even differentiate between weed, grass, fern etc. And neither can SS. And these things are growing “uncontrollably” all over the place. Cancel the search on Gardening for Dummies. Is there a Gardener instead? — This post is also a contribution to The Daily Post.