Month: September 2015

Nepal is Shaken but not Broken.

I was in Nepal recently – in the capital city. The devastation caused by the quake was heartbreaking but the vibe in Kathmandu is not one of sorrow. Life is bouncing back – at least in the capital. Schools are running. Offices are open. Businesses are open. Sure there are are families whose lives will never be the same. But most have just picked up the pieces left behind and moved on. I took a whole bunch of photos and videos while I was there but unfortunately I lost all the data on my phone – an incident I will probably regret for a long looong loooong time. Here are a few that I shared with my friends that I was able to re-collect: We did not get to venture out beyond the Kathmandu Valley. The monsoon rain was causing more havoc. So I cannot say about the situation beyond the capital city. I read that help has still not reached remote areas. Life there would be completely different. But there are so many local grassroots organisations …

Big Little Lies

Its been a while since I got hold of a good interesting book. And this book ‘Big Little Lies’ was fabulous. I honestly could not keep the book down until I had finished it. In just 3 days, I should add. Everyday, I looked forward to my 50min train commute to/from work, just to catch up on it. If you are into fiction and murder/crime mysteries, this is an absolute smasher. The book circles around women. Mums to be specific. And although I am not a mum, there were many instances that I could completely relate myself to. There were moments where I smiled – involuntarily. There was also a moment when I gave a “whaaaa??” – that was a sincere shocked sound. The book is just very intriguing, till the end.  No wonder its Australia’s No. 1 and a New York Times Bestseller. I am just sad that I don’t have anything else to read on my way to work tomorrow. Better get my hands on something new.