Food Adventures
Comments 18

Creating History with Fish Curry

I am sort of a disastrous chef. But that does not stop me from trying to cook. This time, I attempted the dreaded Fish Curry – Nepalese style. And guess what, for a change, it was not disastrous – with my mum’s help, of course.

Fish Curry

When following my mum’s recipe… umm, sorry…there is no recipe. I call it going by “ratio and proportion” and instincts. That’s primarily because she didn’t really learn these recipe from a book. It was merely passed down to her and she watched and learnt. I am expected to do the same, which is incredibly hard but this a proof that I made it!  And this is my attempt to document my victory 😉

The fish for the curry

Part 1: You got to get the fish ready first.Wash and clean 6 bass steaks. Squeeze half a lemon (big lemon) and marinate it together with salt & cumin & a pinch of turmeric powder. Keep aside for a few hours then fry them on a deep pan.

Fish curry - Goes great with rice

Part 2: Grind 4 tablespoon of the yellow mustard seeds into a fine powder. Mix it together with 1 tablespoon of garlic paste & a little turmeric and cumin. I also added 2 spoons of the “Fish Curry Masala” I bought from the Indian Store (Mum was like no no on this… But I went against her anyways, I had already bought it and basically didn’t want to waste it…lol). Then add the whole paste into the deep pan, together with 2 chopped tomatoes and 1 chopped onion. When the texture becomes more like a thick gravy, just add in the steak and some green peas. Let it all cook in together for a few minutes and wollaah… dinner is served. Goes great with steamed rice.

And just like that, I made history in my kitchen with my first ever fish curry!
Thank god for creating mums & skype.

Ready, Set, Done!


  1. That looks really good, actually. I’m kind of in the mood for something spicy for dinner this evening now. 😉


    • give it a go! my recipe is not perfectly listed but go by your instincts… i was tasting my currently every 5 minutes and


    • Yea, it definitely was & I was really excited by the outcome. If you have a spicy palette (like ours), you would enjoy it. According to my mum, you can swap the fish for some other protein, and if you do swap, then she reckons you shouldn’t add the lemon or the mustard powder 🙂

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  2. Pingback: Creating History with Fish Curry | Exposure

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  4. Pingback: Ready, Set, Done | Blogged With Words

  5. Oh lord. I’m dieting and that looks amazing. Probably not unhealthy, for that matter.
    I love the way you describe the “recipe.” It makes me think of home.
    My mom was the one who followed meticulous recipes. “It calls for a tablespoon of vanilla extract, so… where’s my tablespoon? No, I can’t just drip a little bit in. I have to make sure it’s 1 tablespoon, because the recipe says…”
    My dad on the other hand was the sort who’d say, “Hmm, what have we got in the cabinet? Throw it in the pot.” Some of his creations worked great. Some… not so much.
    But I think I learned a great balance from both of them in the process.
    I stopped by from Opinionated Man’s meet & greet, and this post resonated with me… maybe just ’cause I’m hungry. Keep up the great blogging. 😀


    • Thats hilarious.. I totally get you though. Now I wish I had put in more effort to document the “recipe”..but may be next time 😀 Thanks so much for stopping by..


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